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Quentin Gareth Cantrell

Quentin Cantrell was present at the Capitol with his two cousins, Jared and Eric. He entered through the doors with the crowd and walked through the rotunda. There is little detail about his activities in the government’s Statement of Facts.

Please keep in mind that in the United States, every citizen charged with a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

  • First Name(s): Quentin
  • Last Name(s): Cantrell
  • Case Number: 22-cr-00121
  • Arrest Location: Indianapolis, IN
  • Judge: Trevor McFadden
  • Entry Last Updated: 07/09/2023
  • Date Docket Downloaded: 12/04/2022
  • Currently Incarcerated: No
  • Support: We are not aware of any donation campaigns to help cover Quentin Cantrell's legal and living expenses. If one is in place, please contact us with the details. If one is not yet in place, consider creating a donation campaign with GiveSendGo, and then send that link to us.


Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds (1) Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds (2) Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building (3) Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building (4)

Case Status

Cantrell was arrested on 3/10/22 and ordered released on 3/15. Indicted 4/7. During an arraignment on 4/27, he plead not guilty to all charges. Bench Trial held on 4/3/2023, verdict of guilty reached as to Counts 1 and 4, and a verdict of not guilty to Counts 2 and 3. Sentencing held on 6/26/2023, sentenced to a term of 12 Months of Probation as to Counts 1 and 4, to run concurrently. Special Assessment of $25 as to Count 1, and $10 as to Count 4, for a total amount of $35. Restitution in the amount of $500. Fine in the amount of $5,000 as to Count 1, and $1,000 as to Count 4, for a total of $6,000. Ordered to complete 100 hours of community service.

USA Attorney

Alison Prout
Alison Prout DOJ-USAO Northern District of Georgia Richard B. Russell Federal Building 75 Ted Turner Drive, SW Atlanta, GA 30303 404-581-6105 Email: [email protected] LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Designation: Assistant U.S. Attorney

Case Documents

In the news

  • Coming soon


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← Phillip Andrew BromleyRachael Lynn Pert →