Exclusive Interview from DC Jail: Crushed Protester Tells Jake Lang ‘You Helped Save My Life’

Article Written by Nick Mastrangelo and Laura Elizabeth Jenkins.

Tommy Tatum was almost crushed next to Roseanne Boyland from within a pile of bodies maced and beated by police outside the Capitol on Jan. 6th. He didn’t know whether he would survive.

“The police never stopped attacking us, pepper spraying, macing us, flash banging us and using rubber bullets,” Tatum says. “There was nothing I could do but pray.”

“Eventually, someone came up behind me and tried to pull me up. I told that person my leg was trapped and he would break my leg, but ‘go help the other people in the pile up because they were dying’.”

The individual Tatum spoke with proceeded to remove Tatum from underneath the pile of bodies. Tatum identified this person as Jake Lang. Lang has been in prison for a year inside the DC Correctional Treatment Facility, awaiting trial.

Tommy Tatum attempted to share his eyewitness account of Roseanne Boyland’s death with the FBI earlier. However, they hung up on him twice. He questioned whether a media organization would believe his testimony and contacted American Gulag.

American Gulag promptly connected Tatum and Lang, who spoke in this interview from DC jail.

“I think there possibly could have been 20-30 deaths if the patriots weren’t working together and God’s grace with them,” Lang told Tatum.

“Those people were dying, Jake,” replied Tommy Tatum.

“I was picking people up off the top of Roseanne and every time I picked somebody up off of her and got them moved, the police piled someone else on top of her,” Jake Lang remembers.

The testimonies of Lang and Tatum are corroborated by witness Philip Anderson.

“The police were pushing people on top of us for minutes and minutes,” Anderson told American Gulag.

“If it wasn’t for Jake Lang and a few of the other people-actually quite a few people-sitting in that DC jail, in that gulag right now, not only would I be dead for certain-absolutely I would be dead-there would be at least 4 or 5 other people. Maybe even more than that. But they were pulling people out.”

Listen to the full conversation between the Langs, Tatum, and American Gulag here:

You can support Jake Lang and other imprisoned protesters who stood against police brutality at givesendgo.com/J6TRUTH and visit his informational website at J6TRUTH.org

In addition, below are the details Jake mentioned in this audio regarding the peaceful protest and press conference outside Washington DC District Court on Feb 23rd.


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