Joshua James was arrested this week and is being charged in connection to the violent events of January 6th in Washington D.C.
Joshua James is an Iraq War veteran. He was wounded in a bomb blast in Iraq. And Joshua is being held by the FBI without bail.
Joshua is the breadwinner in his family. He receives retirement pay from the military. He has three young children including a 3-year-old.
His wife is a commission-based part-time realtor. She tells us she brings in little income.
The FBI lured him out of his home in Alabama by pretending to be a customer needing a pressure washing.
Then an Army armored vehicle with a turret on top, 2 FBI vans, 6 FBI vehicles, 3 local police and sheriff’s vehicles pulled up and ransacked their home.
Audrey James, his wife, was forced to sit outside for 8 hours with her 3-year-old while the FBI searched their home and broke a light fixture.
Joshua James is a war hero, a veteran, a Godly man, a provider, and a business owner. Joshua James DID NOT commit any violent crime. He attended the January 6th speech by President Trump at the Ellipse along with a million other Americans. He volunteered to work security with other members of the Oath Keepers.
The FBI is holding him until trial because he was seen speaking with two other members of the Oath Keepers that day.
How is this legal?
On Friday The Gateway Pundit spoke with Audrey James and she is understandably distraught.
The FBI is going to move Joshua James to Washington DC.
Audrey said they set up a fundraising page.
** You can make a donation here:
Here is our testimony from Audrey James.
Joshua, was arrested this week and is being charged in connection to the events of January 6th in D.C.
Bail WAS recommended by the probation office & we were told prosecution would not argue against bail. But, somehow at the last minute prosecution decided to argue against it. My husband was in D.C. that day providing security detail for speakers of the rally that morning. FBI said under oath they do not believe my husband was part of any violence and they have NO proof that he was involved in violence. The main topic of their testimony was the Oath Keepers logo on his hat, the organization who asked him to provide security to the speakers that day. They kept referencing two other individuals who had the same logos on their clothing that day and their aggressive behavior. The public defender asked “Was Mr. James seen with these people exhibiting aggressive behavior?” FBI Response “No he was not.” Public Defender “Well then let’s talk about Mr. James actions instead.”
They said they have cell phone data that places Joshua pinging off a tower that provides service in the area that includes the Capitol. (That doesn’t prove anything other than he was in the radius of that tower which is about a 6 mile range).
Here is the judges reasons for denying bail: While Joshua doesn’t have a criminal background and has strong ties to the community and is not believed to be a flight risk and may not have been violent that day, he continued to have communication with members of Oath Keeps after the 6th which “proves” he has no remorse for the events of that day. And due to the fact he has PTSD from being blown up in Iraq serving his country and doesn’t take medication for his ptsd and owns fire arms, they feel that’s a volatile combination and see no reasonable scenario for granting bail.
We said we would get rid of any weapons and even agree to a medical evaluation to prove he doesn’t need medication. Are those not reasonable scenarios? Especially for a combat veteran, Purple Heart recipient, small business owner who is the sole provider for his wife and 3 kids, who has strong ties to the community and isn’t thought to be a flight risk? He should be able to be home protecting his family while helping prepare for his legal battles. He is unable to work from jail and we have lost over half our income if he can’t work.
My husband has also used his personal time to repeatedly respond to and assist natural disasters rendering help to victims of tragedy, injury and the destructive forces of nature. Even in his own community.
They called our office line pretending to be a customer needing pressure washing to draw him from the house. They arrested him away from the house but then showed up at our home with SWAT and a tank rolled up to my front door. My 3-year-old and I were drawn outside so they could clear the house and raid it. We had to sit outside for almost 8 hours in the public eye while they tore our house apart and broke a light fixture. The only items they confiscated were oath keepers t-shirts, stickers and pamphlets and a can of some type of pepper spray.
They did come back two days later with a warrant for a random cell phone. Since, we are getting harassing and threatening calls to the business line, email and Facebook.
With bail being denied they will transfer him to DC to await trial.
Who knows when that will be! We have no funds for an attorney of this magnitude and are trying to fundraise. We are hoping to gain enough support and get our story out there to raise funds to help get an attorney to help bring our veteran home on bail.
Their focus on oath keepers and other oath keepers actions (not mt husband’s) proves their agenda. I asked the public defender why they changed their mind and argued bail he replied “there is pressure coming down to detain them.” This is a political witch hunt. If you need me to send you the affidavit I can. I have also requested a copy of the transcript of the hearing.
** Again, you can donate to the James family here.
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