You will notice how the DC prison system retaliates against whistleblowers who speak out against the inhumane treatment there. Court statements reveal how Eric Glover, general counsel for DC Department of Corrections, justifies treating J6 defendants differently from other prisoners at his facility by labeling them “maximum security.” Protocol in place before this case states each pre-trial defendant’s individual characteristics must be considered before they are held in solitary confinement indefinitely.
(Editor’s note: The text below from Jake Lang remains in original form yet has been edited for clarity in a limited manner.)
Day 6
“Today is Day 6 of the hunger strike, and the immense stress the DC GULAG has put on me during last 24 hours is unbelievable. They have moved me to 3 different cells in 2 separate units, making me pack and carry stuff (lots of heavy books) and unpack every time. They seem to be getting some form of satisfaction forcing a famished man who hasn’t eaten in 6 days and lost nearly 15 lbs around this horrendous jail.
Late Thursday night at 10 pm they came and dragged me to the medical unit against my will, and put me in a large empty room with only a bed, completely detached from any nearby inmates, so I could no longer hear any human voices.
Then-simply to excruciate my night sleep-they came and banged on my door and turned on my light every hour in an attempt to sleep-deprive me and make my treatment so horrible that I would just give up my hunger strike.
They don’t realize my strength comes from an Eternal God and He alone is my portion and my refuge. On top of all of this, my friends-who have been helping me do 3- way calls on their accounts-now have their accounts suspended, like mine was a month ago.
The facility is on a wild witch hunt to stop me at all costs from reaching the American public. I wonder who they are getting this directive from? DOJ? FBI? PELOSI? Different wings, same corrupt bird. The truth scares them and they will stop at nothing to destroy the real American patriot movement. I will stop at nothing to see Rosanne Boyland and Ashli Babbitt’s Capitol Police murders stand trial. We will NOT let our patriot heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice die in VAIN! Please visit and get involved and STAND UP. Protest February 23rd in DC. BE THERE! Details on site. God is with us, and Christ is King.”
Day 5 No known message.
Day 4
“Today is Day 4 of the hunger strike. They are threatening to take me to a medical unit where I will be stripped down naked, in a glass cell where they will monitor me 24/7 and put me in a suicide vest with no access to my attorney, family, phone, or tablet (which has already been cut off)!!
My body is still strong and I am sustained by the grace of God. I feel clear headed and sturdy. I am refusing to be moved!
They have threatened to pepper spray me and carry me out of ‘the hole’ and throw me into the 24/7 supervision area. The DC Jail, along with the Department of Justice Federal Judges who will not grant us bail, are violating human rights!!!
When you protest against them, their solution is to further torture you and confine you under unbearable conditions. Pray for me. I will stand my ground and continue fighting for justice for Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland, and ALL January 6 patriot heroes!! God is with US! This may be my last update for awhile, I’m COUNTING on all of you, and your networks to SHOW UP on February 23rd at 2:30pm outside the DC FEDERAL COURT HOUSE ( 333 Constitution Ave, NW Washington DC) and peacefully protest for the Political Prisoners’ Freedom!!”
Day 3
“Hello! Its Jake Lang, January 6 patriot & founder of … As you have heard, I am now on my 3rd day of a hunger strike in DC Jail. Feeling blessed to have the nourishment of God’s Word and Spirit!
In 3 days, I’ve already lost nearly 10 lbs. I was 180lbs and now am only 171!! My energy levels are steady, writing letters and reading the Bible most of the day, and I had an amazing opportunity to appear on the Stew Peters show today!
God is so good =) Fear not, we will have liberty and justice in America again. Lean on the rock of Christ, His yoke is light & love.”
Day 2
“Today is my second day of the hunger strike inside of the DC Jail. They came yesterday and took away my commissary. For now, I am meditating on God’s promise to vindicate the upright, and to FILL those who hunger after righteousness!
I am currently in the basement of the jail-aka ‘the hole’-where I sit on a cold damp floor with ants, cockroaches, and mice running by me. I am in this barren cell 22 hours a day, or sometimes-like from January 6th – 20th this year-24 hours a day, with absolutely no human contact.
Since the jail cut off my phone account on December 27th, I have had to scrounge and beg people to ask their family to 3-way call my family or lawyer. Otherwise, I am completely alone with God.
I have been accused of crimes, thrown away, and abused by my own government. My Constitutional rights of free speech and to practice my religion are non-existent.
I have been subjected to cruel and usual punishment, yet I haven’t even been found guilty of any crime. I have endured beatings by DC Corrections officers (for singing the Nation Anthem,) been pepper sprayed (for asking for mutual respect,) gone without haircuts or shaving, and had no visitation for over a year. I’ve spent days and even weeks locked inside a cell for 24 hours, and months of prolonged solitary confinement.
My right to speak to counsel and aid in my defense is long gone. I can’t even make a simple phone call anymore! This de-facto government regime has silenced me because I am willing to stand up in the face of tyranny and demand liberty. God bless you.”
Jake’s Announcement Before Day 1 of His Hunger Strike:
“Hello, my fellow Patriots. The time has come to draw a line in the sand, to say enough is enough.
I am currently in the basement of the DC Jail-the ‘hole’-where my phone account and tablet have been cut off. I have absolutely no access to my family or attorney, and have had no visitations (because of COVID.)
I am completely silenced and cut off to the outside world-without even being found guilty of any crime. The alleged crime? Standing up with 1 million+ other unarmed American patriots against tyranny; defending women and the elderly, my life, my country, my Constitution-and even saving a life on January 6th!
I can no longer in good conscience, with my faith in the Most High God, identify or have any part with the de-facto federal government and their corrupt Departments of Justice and Corrections. Monday (1/31/22), I am entering a prolonged hunger strike of 23+ days until my next court date on Wednesday, February 23rd. There will be a large peaceful protest and press conference by my lawyer Steven Metcalf outside DC Federal District Court House at 2:30pm.
Media and patriots will be present in strong numbers. I will not eat until these demands are met:
- A thorough bipartisan Congressional investigation into the Jan 6th Capitol Police brutality and murders of Ashli Babbit and Roseanne Boyland.
- The immediate release of ALL January 6th detainees with no prior violent criminal history.
- Equal treatment under the law, which includes the similar, lenient, wrist-slap sentences as 2020 BLM and ANTIFA rioters.”
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