AmericanGulag/TGP VISITS Jeremy Brown, J6 Political Prisoner, in Pinellas County Jail

Upon first eye contact through an enlarged video screen (one of many lined up around the walls of the Visitation Center at Pinellas County Jail), Jeremy Brown, with a smile on his face, confirmed,


The feeling can only be described as a type of saddened awestruck.  An individual that has put forth over 20 years of service (17 in Special Forces) to the American People sporting an orange jumpsuit, in front of a white cinderblock background, living in the absence of liberty all for 2 non-violent misdemeanor trespassing charges.  Though Pinellas County Jail does not allow recording of ANY sort, here is a detailed account of the visit:

It was Jeremy’s 162nd day in jail.  He has not been outside in over 4 months; though not necessarily 100% the Jail’s fault, Jeremy stated the maximum-security section of the jail has an 8 AM recreation time on seemingly randomly selected days.  The combination of pain associated with his service in the military and the pain associated with lack of human contact has prevented him from partaking in recreation time as well.

“I wake up and go to sleep in tears.”

Jeremy continues to fight the ever-growing urge to just sign a plea deal but knows that is the nail in the coffin of his liberty.  He is being denied access to his D.C. attorney and continues to receive inadequate (and potentially illegal) access to his Florida attorney and discovery documents as well.

In some good news, he has found cordiality among staff at the jail.

Jeremy has been staying informed on J6 Political Prisoners, and the J6 narrative in general.  We spoke in length about federal involvement on that day-including bad actors and agent provocateurs.  Jeremy gave some thoughtful advice when asked how we can learn more through the government’s own actions in each individual case:

“Pay attention to each Plea Deal, and then the Sentencing.  In decades in combat training experience, we will arrest an asset.  If we have a ‘friend’ of yours spying on you for us, when we arrest you, we will arrest your ‘friend’ too.  We don’t want to burn your ‘friend.’”

Jeremy’s next status conference is set for April 26, 2022 at 12:30 P.M before Judge Amit P. Mehta.  The same judge that upheld parts of House panel subpoena for Trump’s tax records.  Anyone can call into this conference at (877) 848 7030; with access code: 321-874.

Though these Status Conferences are to make it appear progress is being made, this is not often the case.  AmericanGulag will continue to keep up with Jeremy’s case and provide him a platform to get his truth out as more information becomes available.


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